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The next big...ring

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The next big...ring

I have always been a ring person but due to working in the office and some other unknown reasons I somehow stopped wearing most of my rings. Now rings are back in my life and it seems I can't get enough of them! I'm especially facinated by big rings; in fact, the bigger the better. My latest purchase is a silver armor ring from eBay which looks a much like the Vivienne Westwood one but with a fraction of the price. Very gothic yet chic, this is ring love at first sight!

My growing collection of big rings, on the left my boyfriend's medieval looking armor ring.

Armor ring (left): Dan's Jewellers via eBay
Flower ring: Stockmann
Shield ring: Kalevala Koru
Silver ring with heart: Kalevala Koru
Armor ring (right):
Silver Rabbits via eBay

Tomorrow I'm off to Sweden and I'll be back on Monday. If I have time on the road, I will post about all the lovely shopping in Stockholm. See you soon!

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Blogger amalie said...

never thought of medieval rings.
pretty fresh.

January 21, 2009 at 11:33 PM  
Blogger Eyeliah said...

Oh they are so cool, I tend not to wear big rings as I'll snag them on everything.

January 22, 2009 at 2:33 AM  
Blogger Kayla said...

The armor rings are so cooool!

January 22, 2009 at 5:28 AM  
Blogger SnapandPrint said...

I cannot wait to ehar of your fashion finds in Sweden!

I am a lover of huge rings myself...I have quite a few and will be adding to my collection this season since there are a lot of great, big, rings out there.

January 22, 2009 at 5:40 AM  
Blogger Tarzan said...

I've also got the two Kaleva-rings, but both in silver. I used to wear them all the time, about five years ago...maybe it's time to get them out again. :)

January 22, 2009 at 10:48 AM  
Blogger Anna-Maria said...

Maali-lifestyle: I think they are quite big now as the whole gothic look is hot on runways. :) I personally love them!

Eyeliah: Yeah they are! The shield one is something that doesn't snag on anywhere, I recommend something like that. :)

K.B.: I agree!!:)

Snapandprint: Me neither! :D I think my collection of rings will grow as well, I'm so hooked on them!

Tarzan: I used to wear the silver heart Kalevala ring all the time, it's actually my confirmation gift (you can see it dates back to 1997). I used to wear it all the time back in the day but then I forgot it for years. Now it's back in business! You should definitely get your Kalevala rings out!!!:)

January 22, 2009 at 12:28 PM  
Blogger Laura.walker said...

I have a huge collection of silver rings I used to work where I was surrounded by jewellery. I stopped wearing rings and such a few years ago but this summer I started wearing them again and I have re discovered rings....I love the flower ring I've just been on etsy to see if I can find a flower ring....

January 22, 2009 at 9:09 PM  
Blogger johnn doe said...

Personally, to me, rings are my favourite area of accessorizing. It's the first thing I notice on to their shoes of course!

January 22, 2009 at 10:00 PM  
Blogger Shes Dressing Up said...

I love big rings and all of yours are gorgeous! Great collection!

January 23, 2009 at 3:21 AM  
Blogger Meaghan said...

that armour ring is IMPRESSIVE.

January 24, 2009 at 4:48 AM  
Blogger Rissa said...

loooove them all. I have been feeling chunky rings to lately.

January 24, 2009 at 1:28 PM  
Blogger styledigger said...

I love that armour one!

January 25, 2009 at 11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sinuna en kyllä menis mainitsemaan vivienne westwoodin nimeä noinkin ruman ja kälyisen kopion siivellä. harmittaa että todennäköisesti (tyhmät ja tietämättömät) ihmiset tulevat vielä monesti erehtymään sormustasi aidoksi kappaleeksi. onko tämä taas sitä "inspiroitumista"?

January 27, 2009 at 1:43 AM  
Blogger Anna-Maria said...

Laura.walker: I was a huge silver ring fan as well but somehow my ring enthusiasm got lost..Rings are definitely back and I need more of them. I think accessories are a minimalist's best friend. :)

Ciara Farrow: Shoes would be my first thing too but rings do make a person more interesting I suppose. :) I have to start paying more attion to those.

She's dressing up: Thanks! I have to keep my collection growing..

MEAGHAN!?: Thanks!:)

Rissa: Thanks, me too! :)

Styledigger: Me too!!!:)

Anonymous: No niin..Mietinkin, että tälläisten kommenttien varalle pitäisi kirjoittaa nivelsormusten historiasta, sillä ei Vivienne ole todellakaan mitään pyörää keksinyt. Westwoodin sormuskin on täysi kopio vanhoista gootti/punk-nivelsomuksista. Tuo minun sormus ei ole todellakaan kälyinen, se on sterling-hopeaa ja eroaa mm. kiinnityksessä aika paljonkin tuosta Viviennen sormuksesta. Mietipä kuinka moni halvempi vaate (esim. Hennesin vaatteet) tai koru saa "inspiraationsa" catwalkeilta, alakulttuurista tms. Muodin saralla ei mikään ole uutta.

January 27, 2009 at 1:20 PM  
Blogger JEYQ said...

definitely an admirable ring collection.
i'm jey =]

hope it's okay if i link you!

January 28, 2009 at 1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totanoin. Sun argumenttis menee jokseenkin yli. On eriasia ottaa vaikutteita kuin kopioida suoraa joku tuote. Vivienne ei nivelsormuksia ole keksinyt ei. Mutta kerta silmäs harittaa sen verran niin voin kertoa, että tohon sun feikkiis on kopioitu Viviennen planeetta logo... eli eiköhän se ole sillon suora kopio kerta aivan samalta muutenkin näyttää. Pistin vielä linkin niin voit tutustua lisää sun ebay feikkiin ja aidon eroavaisuuksiin.

March 19, 2009 at 1:10 AM  
Blogger Anna-Maria said...

JEYQ: Thanks! Sure it's ok. :)

Janni: Viviennen logokaan ei ole mitenkään uniikki, koska hän on kopioinut sen englantilaiselta Harris Tweediltä ( Harris Tweedin logo taas perustuu Englannin kruunujalokivien symboliin. Saturnus sinänsä taas on pitkään käytetty gootti/punk-symboli ja näkyy monissa koruissa...
Ei monet näe siinä mitään pahaa, että ostaa esimerkiksi Alexander Wangin tuhottoman kalliiden hapsunilkkureiden sijaan Forever 21:n täydet (mutta muoviset) kopiot. Samaahan harrastaa Zara, joka kopioi Balmainin niittisandaalit jne..Eikä kukaan nää siinä mitään väärää omistaa ne kopiot.
En todellakaan aio antaa ihmisten luulla, että tuo sormus on aito, vaan se on vain sormus muiden joukossa. Samalla tavalla kun kertoisin niittisandaalien (oi kun saisikin ne) olevan Zarasta. :)

March 19, 2009 at 10:03 AM  

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